CU Amiga Super CD-ROM 16
CU Amiga Magazine's Super CD-ROM 16 (1997-10-16)(EMAP Images)(GB)[!][issue 1997-11].iso
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683 lines
<string in about requester> = <version string(s)>
- <List of changes>
Release 1.0 = MakeCD 0.26 (23.10.96)
- unsupported public beta version for Meeting Pearls IV.
- see note on next release.
Release 1.0 = MakeCD 1.1 (14.11.96)
- initial non-beta version.
- yes, the string in the about requester did not change. :-(.
use "version full MakeCD" to find out the exact version.
Release 1.1 = MakeCD 1.8
ReadWrite.module 1.9
SCSISupport.module 3.3
Yamaha.driver 3.4
PhilipsCDD2000.driver 3.4
PhilipsCDD2600.driver 3.4
CDROM.driver 3.3
ToshibaCD.driver 3.5
NecCD.driver 3.4
SonyCD.driver 3.4
- Rewrote reading/writing (new: ReadWrite.module)
- ExAll() is used optionally, GUI is updated only every second
=> improved performance
Scanning source paths is up to eight times faster now (compared
to V1.0 with enabled GUI display).
- More detailed error messages (all SCSI errors documented
for CDD2000 or CDR-102 are explained with texts).
- Instead of always using parallel IO MakeCD can be forced to
read and write alternating. Try this if you had performance
- When reading/writing of a track fails, you can choose how
to continue in a requester.
- GUI for image creation is independent from reading and writing,
i.e. opening the window's menu will not stop the image writing.
- Writing speed can be set seperately for copying of audio
- In the track list of a CD the start and end block of each
track are listed => this way you can see if the driver could
find the real track length. However, this is currently only
the case with CD-Rs in a CD writer. Usually the tracks are
listed including the pauses.
- Mode 2 (XA) tracks are fully supported now.
- You can set speed for audio reading/copying seperately.
- You can select all tracks of a source CD at once for copying.
- The Philips drivers send a RECOVER command as repair action:
This helps to recover when power down occured while writing.
The CD-R must not be removed before repairing.
- Global switch between Motorola and Intel (MSF/LSF) audio format.
- MakeCD makes sure the PMA (Program Memory Area) is updated when it
stops writing tracks now. The Yamaha writer has no special command
for this, so driver ejects the CD-R automatically. This has the same
- minor improvements
- Bugfix: ISO images created with MakeCD were invalid sometimes:
Especially large files might have been trashed.
- Bugfix: Sometimes a wrong table of contents was written to CD-R.
- Bugfix: A leading underscore in the ISO volume name is allowed.
- Bugfix: Opening "Target CD-R" window trashed one byte of MakeCD's
own memory.
- Bugfix: When using the "Target CD-R" window for fixation, the TOC
type was fixed to CD-ROM. Now the correct type is always selected
- Workaround for some CD-ROM drives: TOC is read at once. Fixes
problem with invalid track type and length.
- Path prefixes cause invalid images => disabled for 1.1, not fixed yet.
Release 1.2 = MakeCD 1.9 (01.01.97)
makecdromfs.module 4.0
ReadWrite.module 1.10
SCSISupport.module 3.3
Yamaha.driver 3.4
PhilipsCDD2000.driver 3.4
PhilipsCDD2600.driver 3.4
CDROM.driver 3.3
ToshibaCD.driver 3.5
NecCD.driver 3.4
SonyCD.driver 3.4
- Bugfix (1.1): The volume name was always UNREGISTERED.
- Bugfix (1.1): SCSI drivers were only found when MakeCD was started with
the current directory set to its home directory.
- Bugfix: The installer script didn't copy the ReadWrite.module
- New: You can choose using an image file instead of the usual source even
if the sizes differ.
Release 1.3 = MakeCD 1.12 (17.01.97)
makecdromfs.module 5.0
ReadWrite.module 1.12 (16.01.97)
SCSISupport.module 3.3 (16.01.97)
CDROM.driver 3.1 (16.01.97)
NecCD.driver 3.5 (16.01.97)
PhilipsCDD2000.driver 3.5 (16.01.97)
PhilipsCDD2600.driver 3.5 (16.01.97)
SonyCD.driver 3.5 (16.01.97)
ToshibaCD.driver 3.6 (16.01.97)
Yamaha.driver 3.5 (16.01.97)
- Bugfix: MakeCD crashed cleaning up after image creation if one source path
(but not the first one) was invalid.
- Bugfix: Path prefixes work correctly now.
- Bugfix: Using ExAll() for directory scanning skipped files in some
- When writing an image file to a CrossDos partition the file was always
deleted afterwards because CrossDos reports a filesize of zero. Now
MakeCD uses another function which works with CrossDos, too.
Known Problems:
- PhilipsCDD2600.driver is beta: reading does not work yet.
- Drivers for sony and plextor CD writers are untested and only available
on the web page.
Release 2.0 = MakeCD 1.18 (06.02.97)
makecdromfs.module V6.0 (06-02-1997)
ReadWrite.module 2.6 (07.02.97)
SCSISupport.module 4.6 (06.02.97)
AtapiCD.driver 4.3 (06.02.97)
CDROM.driver 4.3 (06.02.97)
NecCD.driver 4.3 (06.02.97)
PhilipsCDD2000.driver 4.6 (06.02.97)
PhilipsCDD2600.driver 4.5 (06.02.97)
Plextor.driver 4.5 (06.02.97)
PlextorCD.driver 4.3 (06.02.97)
SonyCD.driver 4.3 (06.02.97)
ToshibaCD.driver 4.3 (06.02.97)
Yamaha.driver 4.5 (06.02.97)
- Multivolume CD-Rs, i.e. ISO images created by MakeCD can start at
arbitraty blocks. Required "start block" setting for "Write Image File"
to enable image creation if no CD writer is available and additional checks
for correct track start when writing to CD-R. To read previous data tracks
an ISO filesystem with multivolume support is required.
- MakeCD uses the filenote of an image file to store its exact type and
startblock, but doesn't utilize the type itself yet.
- You are told if testmode is enabled in the write window and
"Insert CD-R" requester.
- Changed: When writing to CD-R, now temporary files are created when they
are needed. Previously, all files that where not deleted immediately were
written before writing the first track to CD-R.
- Bugfix: MakeCD was busy waiting when writing an ISO image :-( In addition
with the increased priority of the read/write processes this totally
locked some computers. Now the priority is only increased when writing
to CD-R.
- MakeCD finds the end of data tracks exactly now by reading blocks and
SCSIDrivers for CD writers remove 2 run out blocks from the track length.
- You can set the length of the pause MakeCD will remove after an audio
- Instead of files a trackdisk compatible device can be used to read/write an
image from/into blocks directly. This is especially useful for testing
an ISO image. In addition, performance is better.
- The start of a source track can be set, too.
- Incomplete tracks can be padded with zero to their full length and
all options can be preset in the settings for automatic response.
- Raw audio files and AIFF files may have arbitrary length; for raw audio
files you can still set the old method of file length checking.
- You can chose to set the kind of fixation in a requester which pops
up when you start writing a CD-R.
- Selecting SCSI devices was moved to a more comfortable requester.
- You can set a global basedir for all files. This way all image files
of one project can be written in one directory without changing all
image file names.
- All filesystems accessing the same device/unit as MakeCD are locked as soon
as MakeCD needs them.
- The source track requester remembers the old contents of the listview
and updates upon invocation only if the selected track is not a member.
- Performance improvement when reading/writing tracks with unusual block
sizes from/to files.
- More detailed status display when writing: Amount of data left in minutes
can be used to calculated the time to write them easily - you only have
to know the speed of you CD writer ;-)
- When writing an image file to a CrossDos partition the file was always
deleted afterwards because CrossDos reports a filesize of zero. Now
MakeCD uses another function which works with CrossDos, too.
- Multiselect for image files
- Aborting writing offers a lot of new possibilities: Abort immediately,
stop after track, skip track.
- The Yamaha writes garbage if a track is shorter than 300 blocks. MakeCD
adds empty blocks itself now.
- The current gadget values are used for new tracks whenever suitable
(previously only sometimes). Their state can be changed without any
tracks and be saved permanently.
- PhilipsCDD2600.driver: The six byte version of the SCSI read command is
used and reading works now. It was obviously prevented by the broken
implementation of the ten bytes version of read in the writer's firmware.
- PhilipsCDD2600.driver/Plextor.driver: The invalid TOC delivered by these
writers was not handled correctly by MakeCD, which prevented further
writing to CD-Rs with at least one track.
- GUI and other minor improvements
- Cleanup after image creation is much faster now.
Release 2.1 = MakeCD 1.21 (28.02.97)
makecdromfs.module 7.5 (28-02-97)
ReadWrite.module 3.1 (28.02.97)
SCSISupport.module 5.1 (28.02.97)
AtapiCD.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
CDROM.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
NecCD.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
PhilipsCDD2000.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
PhilipsCDD2600.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
Plextor.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
PlextorCD.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
SonyCD.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
ToshibaCD.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
Yamaha.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
- Multisession support: Add a previous data track on the CD-R as source
in the ISO image window and the new image will list all files in
this track, too.
- You can select a CD-ROM driver as target now. This is needed for reading
multisession tracks, because these tracks are always read from the target
- MakeCD can play audio data using the normal Amiga audio device.
- When copying audio tracks directly MakeCD will ignore buffer overflows.
***Warning***: Previously, this was a fatal error but is changed now,
because even CD-ROMs reporting this error are able to deliver data
in good quality. Use the audio playing feature of MakeCD to check
the quality of your CD-ROM.
- New settings: Chunk size of buffer, audio read speed, audio track start.
Reducing the read speed is necessary with some drives to achieve a
good quality. The start of an audio track can be changed automatically.
CD-ROM drives are allowed to start reading at the wrong block, thus
missing the first few blocks of a song without starting a few blocks
- MakeCD uses optimized routines to swap byteorder now. Reading CDDA from
very fast CD-ROM drives should still better be done with the byteorder
delivered by the drive (at the moment always LSF for CD-ROM drives).
- "nil:xyz" can be used as temporary image file. "nil:exists" is treated as
an existing image file with same size as the primary source, i.e. is used
as source.
- You can react interactively to read errors now. Reading a track is no
longer aborted automatically. Changed the settings for "incomplete copying"
to reflect these change.
- The testmode can be changed in the write CD-R window; writing CD-R doesn't
start automatically anymore.
- Changed the way the SCSI drivers reset their drives:
They leave test mode on. Now Yamaha and probably all other writers
don't "forget" the tracks they wrote with enabled test mode.
Philips CDD2000 always remembers these tracks. You have to remove a
CD-R you wrote to in test mode before really writing to it, because
the CDD2000 would still write in test mode.
- "Update" in the target CD-R window will try to force the writer to forget
all tracks written with enabled test mode.
- Fixation is now always done with maximum speed.
- When aborting MakeCD tells what it is doing in the status lines.
It especially points out if read or write process are currently
waiting for IO - this should finally make clear that MakeCD is not
crashed when the scsi device doesn't reply to IO requests :-/
- The write process will continue writing until its buffer is empty even
if the read process encountered an error.
- While scanning the source paths for ISO image creation the target image
file is deleted. Otherwise it might be included in the ISO image file
list, which - for obvious reasons - is not a good idea ;-)
- ISO image window is an application window now: Drop an icon
and a new path is added. The main window already had this feature.
- The order of ISO image sources can be changed and is relevant: If there
are name collisions, the file scanned first is included if you ignore the
- MakeCD will leave 2MB memory free for ISO image creation when allocating
its buffer.
- The track requester will display the volume name instead of the track type
if an ISO track is recognized. It will use this name or the text in the
listview as track name, as long as the user doesn't enter something
- PUBSCREEN can be used in the shell or as tooltype to select a public
- GUI improvements (rearranged menus, added transfer rates to write window).
- The device requester filters devices by name now before using NSD.
This was necessary because some buggy devices crashed when being
queried by NSD. If you still encounter crashes when opening the
device requester, please use NSDQuery to find the device to blame and
report it to Heinz Wrobel. You may add this device to the NSDPatch
configuration to make it NSD compliant.
- Workaround for Commodore scsi.device crashing when accessing a scsi device
for the first time.
- A Toshiba MX-3401B delivers more audio data than being asked for, thus
overwriting memory. Workaround in the ToshibaCD.driver.
- Workaround for TOC reading with CDD2600 + Plextor
- Setting reading speed for AtapiCD.driver (since V2.1 the driver requester
shows if a driver can set the speed).
- Bugfix: MakeCD crashed after writing data to raw blocks with a data
length which was not an even multiple of 512.
- Bugfix: The drivers for CD writers always removed two blocks from the
track lengths. This was wrong for normal CDs read in a writer. It
disabled the automatic end of track detection and removing the audio
pause selected in the settings.
- Bugfix: Appending a project was impossible.
- Bugfix: Appending multiple image files changed the current track's source
- Bugfix: The PlextorCD.driver didn't set the speed correctly. Reading
was limited to single speed. It was not able to write mode 2 tracks.
- Bugfix: Reading with drivers that supported setting speed was not done
with maximum speed.
- Bugfix: Automatic TOC type detection failed for writers delivering
no session infos, i.e. Plextor and perhaps Ricoh. The TOC type usually
only matters for PSX copies.
- Bugfix: Writing an ISO image more than once (aka "Retry" in an error
requester) crashed.
MakeCD 2.2 = MakeCD 1.25 (26.03.97)
ReadWrite.module 4.3 (26.03.97)
SCSISupport.module 6.3 (26.03.97)
AtapiCD.driver 6.2 (27.03.97)
CDROM.driver 6.2 (27.03.97)
NecCD.driver 6.2 (27.03.97)
PhilipsCDD2000.driver 6.3 (27.03.97)
PhilipsCDD2600.driver 6.3 (27.03.97)
PioneerCD.driver 5.1 (28.02.97)
Plextor.driver 6.3 (27.03.97)
PlextorCD.driver 6.2 (27.03.97)
Sony.driver 6.0 (27.03.97)
SonyCD.driver 6.2 (27.03.97)
ToshibaCD.driver 6.2 (27.03.97)
Yamaha.driver 6.3 (27.03.97)
- New: Sony.driver
Note (1): The Sony writers are very accurate regarding CD-ROM standards.
You will not be able to write certain track types after some others
(but you won't want to anyway).
Note (2): Sony writers are not able to write XA tracks with a blocksize of
2048 (form 1) or 2328 (form 2). Therefore only the general mode 2 type
is supported by MakeCD. You will be warned and may ignore the
warning, but until a firmware supports this block sizes the writer
will reject some commands as illegal.
Note (3): The 926S seems to be unable to accept buffer chunks of more than
approx. 240kB. It rejects the write command with "ILLEGAL FIELD IN COMMAND
DESCRIPTOR". You have to reduce the chunk size in the settings.
Note (4): The writer seems to be unable to simulate fixation. The test
mode can really be enabled for writing tracks, but has no effect on
fixation. The Sony.driver will therefore _not_ issue the fixation command
if test mode is enabled.
- The writer will not be told to start writing a track until data is
really available. Previously, denying to insert the correct CD with
the source track left a short empty track on the CD-R.
- MakeCD saves all registers before calling OpenDevice(). This makes it
possible to use broken devices that trash registers (e.g. mfm.device).
- When repairing a CD-R MakeCD will not check the contents of the medium
inserted because this check may fail for CD-Rs needing repair, thus
preventing the issueing of the repair command :-/
- Changed the usage of "nil:" in image filenames. Now "nil:exists/xyz"
with xyz being a number can be used as an existing image file with
size xyz (even as primary source).
- MakeCD will check if the available space is enough to write all
tracks and fixate. It will distinguish several different cases: enough
space for tracks, but not fixation (not necessary for the current
writer, because all reserve enough space for fixation themselves);
only fixation not possible; fixation possible, but no new session
(some writers refuse to fixate only the session in the last case,
e.g. the Yamaha CDR 100).
This check relies on a correct value of the free blocks on the CD-R.
If you doubt that the warning is justified, you may ignore it and
go on (preferable in test mode ;-).
- When writing tracks MakeCD will ask for the CD-R before writing
image files to check the available space now.
- Default for changing the start of audio tracks is now zero blocks.
In addition, the start of an audio track is only changed if the
predecessor is an audio track, too.
Some drives refused to deliver the blocks in front of real track start
or are accurate anyway.
- The type of every track is listed in the track listview. Pay attention
to the type if you add image files: MakeCD was never and still is not
able to guess the type always correctly!
- Added recognition of all drives listed as tested in the Compatibility.
If one of your drives is not known by MakeCD but works with a driver,
please fill out a test report and send it to makecd@ira.uka.de. It will
be added it to the Compatibility and recognized automatically by future
Note: If your CD-ROM works with the SonyCD.driver, you might test the
PlextorCD.driver,too, because this is a SonyCD.driver extended by
speed setting.
- Added DEBUG output for testing of device capabilities in the device
If you encounter crashes, please enable DEBUG by removing the brackets
around the tooltype and report which devices causes the problem. See
V2.1 history for more detailed notes on this subject.
- PhilipsCDD2600.driver will no longer try to read session infos, because
the result was incomplete due to the CDD2600 firmware.
- Read errors during reading the track list from CD writers are now
handled better. Previously tracks were simply left out.
- Maximum speed (= 0) was not set correctly for Philips CDD521/522. This
prevented fixation since V2.1, too, because this is always done in maximum
- Some CD-ROMs refuse to set 2048 as block size. Added additional check
for current block size and retry.
- When adding a new track the source track is no longer copied.
- Implemented sequential IO for ISO image creation.
- Changed DEBUG output.
- Bugfix: "Stop after Track" didn't prevent fixation after last track.
- Bugfix: Length of the last track on a CD-R sometimed included the
run-out blocks.
- Bugfix: The space for lead-out is not included in the free blocks reported
by the writer. CD-Rs with zero blocks free could have been fixed, but
MakeCD didn't try to do so.
- Bugfix: Startblock of an ISO image was calculated wrong when writing only
image files and the ISO image was not the first track.
- Bugfix: When the automatic fixation after the last track failed, the
error was not reported.
- Bugfix: When reading an audio file not being a multiple of the blocksize
the data was not padded correctly when writing directly to CD-R.
This caused "unexpected phase errors".
- Bugfix: The CD read speed was always set to the real speed of the
CD writer.
- Bugfix: The AtapiCD.driver didn't set the speed.
- Bugfix: End of track recognition sometimes was wrong by one block.
- Bugfix: Memory for session description texts was not freed.
- Bugfix: Recovered errors were not ignored properly.
- Added fixation and repair to the tools menu.
- Bugfix: Error requester for image creation.
- Bugfix: Upto 4 bytes were trashed when a track had a long volume name.
- Bugfix: Potential timing problem handling write errors.
- Bugfix: When reading the last track of a normal CD the CD was not
MakeCD 2.3 = MakeCD 1.34 (22.05.97)
makecdromfs.module V8.0 (20-05-1997)
ReadWrite.module 7.0 (22.05.97)
SCSISupport.module 8.1 (22.05.97)
AtapiCD.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
CDROM.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
JvcTeac.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
MMC.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
NecCD.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
PhilipsCDD2000.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
PhilipsCDD2600.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
Plextor.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
PlextorCD.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
Sony.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
SonyCD.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
ToshibaCD.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
Yamaha.driver 8.0 (22.05.97)
- New: JvcTeac.driver for JVC XR-W2010, JVC XR-W2022,
Teac 50S and compatible
- New: MMC.driver for Yamaha CDR400 and all other writers using the
MultiMedia Commands.
- Support for Philips CDD521
- All CD-ROM drivers try to read session infos now. This works for Pioneer
and ATAPI CD-ROM drives. An unfixed session is always reported as empty,
though. If it works, the next startblock can be calculated by MakeCD, too,
but it will be wrong if there are tracks in a session that is not fixed yet.
- Fixation in testmode is no longer performed by any driver.
It caused several problems before:
+ CDD2000:
- trashed a CD-R (encountered at least twice)
- got totally confused and had to be turned off and on
before a CD-R contents could be read again (happened to
me once)
+ Yamaha 100/102:
- reports "medium errors" when fixating a CD-R with mode 2
+ JVC:
- doesn't remember tracks written in testmode, therefore
fixation fails with "empty program area"
+ Sony:
- Sony926 ignored the testmode and fixated for real.
Fixation in testmode was therefore already disabled.
+ Ricoh/Plextor:
- reports errors that don't occur when fixating after
real write.
- Added recognition of more drives.
- New settings for audio tracks:
Ignoring buffer overflows can be selected seperately.
Read and write speed can be set independently.
All settings apply to both reading and playing audio, there's
no difference any more!
- The fixation gadget that was used to choose how to fixate after
successfully writing some tracks was moved to the write window itself.
You can change and save it even while writing some tracks now!
- The write window features a new write mode gadget: You can choose
testmode on/off and "write after test".
- New menu item to eject medium in source or target drive even if some
other software locked the door of the drive.
- The target CD-R window shows the medium type the drive reports.
- Changed locking of CD-ROM filesystems that use the same drives:
They are locked while the MakeCD write window is open and not while
one track is read/written. In addition, MakeCD will continue if locking
a filesystem fails.
- Bugfix (V2.2): Copying a track from a CD writer to the CD writer was no
longer possible because the CD-R could not be removed after MakeCD checked
the free space.
- Bugfix: When reading a data track from CD the startblock saved in the
filenote of image file was always set to zero. Therefore MakeCD didn't
warn when writing the image of a track not starting at zero to the
beginning of a CD-R or would report the wrong startblock "0" in the
- Bugfix (Sony.driver): Mixed data and audio sessions were not possible.
- Bugfix (Sony.driver): Mode 2 and audio tracks were listed as
data tracks when they had the "Digital Copy Protected" bit set.
- Bugfix (AtapiCD.driver): Reading of mode 2 was impossible.
- Bugfix (AtapiCD.driver): Setting the speed didn't work for all ATAPI
drives. Reading was aborted with an "ILLEGAL FIELD IN COMMAND DESCRIPTOR"
error then.
- Changed end of track recognition for Yamaha, because these drives crashed
when asked for certain unreadable blocks at the end of a track.
- We finally received the CDD2600 documentation. Philips changed speed
setting and reading session infos. The driver was changed accordingly.
- Workaround for dkbscsi.device
- Workaround for Yamaha CDR100/102 problems with fixation of
mode 2 tracks.
- Workaround for CommoCDFS: MakeCD should now *always* produce images
that can be handled by CommoCDFS - independant of the options you
have choosen. CommoCDFS had problems with earlier versions if you
did not convert characters to uppercase.
- Fixed very rare INTERNAL ERROR 2 in image creation. This
error happened very seldom and only if both, Rock Ridge and
Amiga Attributes were switched on.
- Rock Ridge Extension of parent directory entries of ISO 9660
could have been wrong in some cases. I don't know if this
caused any strange effects.
- Bugfix (well, 1.0): The first file suffix in the sort list for ISO
image creation was ignored. If this list was the default list with only
the entry ".info", then Workbench handling of a CD-R was much slower
than it could have been.
- Improved GUI.
Release V2.4 = MakeCD 1.37 (10.07.97)
makecdromfs.module V9.1 (10-07-1997)
ReadWrite.module 9.4 (10.07.97)
SCSISupport.module 9.1 (10.07.97)
AtapiCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
CDROM.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
JvcTeac.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
MMC.driver 9.5 (10.07.97)
NecCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
PhilipsCDD2000.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
PhilipsCDD2600.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
Plextor.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
PlextorCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
Sony.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
SonyCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
ToshibaCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
Yamaha.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
- Special support for rewritable CDs: They can be formated
in two different ways (thoroughly and fast).
- Transfer rates are displayed as multiple of single CD-ROM speed, too.
- You can select single files in the ISO source list.
- Catalog translation has started. Please contact patrick@core.de if you
want to translate into another language.
The following catalogs are included:
Norwegian catalog (Eivind Olsen, eivindo@bgnett.no)
Swedish catalog (Fredrik Zetterlund, frallan@canit.se)
Italian catalog (Francesco Dipietromaria)
Hungarian Catalog (Horváth Péter, pcpince@syneco.hu)
Dutch is in work.
- The device requester tries to select the correct unit automatically.
- Special support for Oktagon V8.x (not available yet).
- Bugfix: Wrong "file has changed" warning during ISO image creation
is fixed.
- Bugfix: When creating a MultiSession ISO image filesystem image
paths were not included in some cases. Fixed, but root files that
are part of previous tracks on CD-R are not possible at
the moment.
- Bugfix: The dates of root and image path directories were 8 years too
- Bugfix: An unregistered MakeCD is no longer limited to 10 tracks as
long as you don't try to write a CD-R.
- Bugfix (V2.3): The amount of data left for writing to CD-R was not
updated correctly when writing after test.
- Bugfix (V2.3): The write mode "Write after Test" was not restored
correctly after reopening the write window.
- NecCD.driver: Setting blocksize failed since V2.3 due to a firmware
in some drives.
- Plextor.driver: Target CD-R window should no longer show
invalid "interrupted writing" messages.
- Special support for Oktagon V8.x (not available at the moment).
- Yamaha.driver: Doesn't fix with the wrong TOC type anymore and uses
a workaround for the XA fixation problem.
- AtapiCD.driver: Continues even if a broken CD-ROM drive doesn't
support the SET_CD_SPEED command.
- Yamaha.driver: Changed workaround for XA fixation problem.
- AtapiCD.driver: Mode 2 tracks were not recognized with all drives.
- MMC.driver: Silently falls back to writing audio without preemphasize
if the first attempt with preemphasize failed due to the firmware bug
in the CDR400.
- MMC.driver: Replaced the error message reported by the CDR400 when
trying to write to a full CD-R with something more understandable.
- minor GUI improvements and bug fixes
Release V2.4 patch 1 = MakeCD 1.38 (15.07.97)
- Bugfix: The correction of the English texts included a longer name
for one track type which made the main window too wide for 640x256.
Release V2.5 = MakeCD 1.44 (28.08.97)
makecdromfs.module V9.2 (18-08-1997)
ReadWrite.module 10.5 (28.08.97)
SCSISupport.module 9.1 (10.07.97)
AtapiCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
CDROM.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
JvcTeac.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
MMC.driver 9.7 (28.08.97)
NecCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
Panasonic.driver 9.8 (10.09.97)
PhilipsCDD2000.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
PhilipsCDD2600.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
Plextor.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
PlextorCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
Sony.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
SonyCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
ToshibaCD.driver 9.3 (10.07.97)
Yamaha.driver 9.4 (10.07.97)
- *New*: Panasonic/Matsushita 7501 driver.
It has a few problems and is regarded as beta:
The drive doesn't report any track lengths for CD-Rs and therefore
the track lengths MakeCD reports are not as accurate as with other
writers. In addition, it cannot read *any* tracks in an unfixed
sessions! These problems don't affect normal CDs.
The pauses between tracks of a different type are too short.
- By default the startblock gadget is disabled now. MakeCD will ask
for this value if it is needed. Do yourself a favour and leave it
disabled - it's really easier ;-)
- MakeCD now reports the used time including lead/in-out and gaps in
addition to the summary of space used for track data.
- The CD filesystems are locked during fixation, too.
- MakeCD will ask for settings when started for the first time.
- env:TZ had to be set correctly to get exact creation times in the
ISO images. This is no longer necessary.
- Enhanced a lot of quickhelp texts.
- Bugfix: You could save a default value for "Basedir" but it was not used.
- MMC.driver: Added recognition of Ricoh 6200.
- Plextor.driver: With some Ricoh 1420 firmware versions the last track
of a normal CD was not found.
- Formating a CD-RW cannot be simulated (at least not by the Ricoh MP6200S)
=> not done at all if test mode is enabled.
- During scanning previous data tracks for a multisession CD-R too
much memory was allocated. This could even produce "out of memory"
errors when scanning tracks with a lot of files/dirs on Amigas with
not that much memory.
- Files/directories were not counted correctly when creating an
ISO image (most obviously when adding previous data tracks).
- Fixed potential reason for crash during loading modules.
- Opening a console window which uses the console.device disables the
multitasking for a significant period and may cause a buffer underrun.
Priority of the read/write processes is now at least 6, but this will
not really solve the problem. Be careful!
- For image files the recognized (or at least assumed) file type
is shown in the main window. "[???]" and "[Bad AIFF]" indicate
that MakeCD cannot use the file, whereas "[AIFF]" is used for
AIFF audio data in a suitable format. "[DATA?]" and "[CDDA?]"
have a "?" because raw data files might be identified incorrectly.
Known problems:
- The amount of free blocks is not perfectly correct, because writers
report different values depending on what was already written. Sometimes
gaps are included and sometimes not. This causes an inaccuracy of upto
3 seconds. The end of CD-R check is not affected, though.
- The Ricoh MP6200S doesn't simulate formating. Therefore MakeCD doesn't
issue the formating command at if test mode is enabled.
- Writing mode 2 (without specific form) is not possible with JVC XR-W2022
V1.10 due to a firmware bug.
- Writing audio with preemphasize is not possible with CDR400 (upto V1.0d).
Yamaha didn't respond to my bug report, so I implemented a fallback
to normal audio.
- Yamaha CDR400 sometimes panics after a buffer underrun and doesn't
stop writing. Yamaha could not help with this problem yet.
- Ricoh sometimes doesn't read contents properly. Exact reason/solution
unknown, but turning disconnect off and SCSI bus reset help.
- dracoscsi.device SCSI direct still doesn't work properly. You must have
enough free memory in your first memory module or a 32MB module in the
first socket, otherwise the dracoscsi.device will fail and probably cause
crashes or read errors. The same rules apply to every other software doing
SCSI direct.
- Jumping within the track while playing an audio image sometimes misses
the correct position.